
At our Academy, sports isn’t just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle. We provide top-notch facilities and guidance so our students can excel in their athletic pursuits. Whether it’s on the court, field, or track, our athletes are always striving for greatness.

Our Swimming Pool Complex boasts three fantastic pools, while our cricket ground is a source of pride for the whole city. And that’s not all – we offer a variety of other sports like football, volleyball, basketball, skating, badminton, and table tennis to keep our sports enthusiasts engaged.

Here at the Academy, sports isn’t just a game – it’s a passion that shapes our lives.

We believe that participation in sports not only enhances physical health but also contributes to academic success, character development, and overall well-being. Therefore, we invite all parents to support their children's involvement in our sports programme and join us in fostering a culture of athleticism, camaraderie, and excellence.